Feb 16, 2015

Getting Back to Me

Hello family.  I have been away for a while because I wasn't feeling like myself.  A year after having my baby, I just lost interest in most things.  All I wanted to do was lay in the bed and watch Netflix.  I didn't care about my appearance anymore, nor did I even have the motivation to get out the house.  For me, as long as my baby was cute and she was happy, that's all I cared about.  I didn't realize it at first, but I was battling against some post pardam depression.

It was a harsh thing to realize because I seem to always have it together.  However, it happens.  I am in the process of getting me back to me.  One of the things that I did to get back to myself was to participate in the Jibri and T Oliver "Project Be-You-tiful" which gave me the kick start I needed. 

This project gives plus size women complete makeovers. They took measurements, did bra fittings, hair, make-up, and clothing.  Its a whole day of beauty, and its all about YOU!  Take a look at my transformation:

This will be a series of weekly posts.  I shared a little bit of my story on Facebook, and the responses were overwhelming of women that have gone through or currently going through the same things.  The Be-You-itful Project has inspired me to tell me story and share what I can to help others.  So please leave me your comments.  I would love to hear your stories too.

Hugs and Kisses,

CurvieBirdie 2.0



  1. Wow!! You look so amazing. I dealt with the same thing girl. It was hard for me because I just didnt have the desire to to do anything at all. I would try to get out alone sometimes because I didnt want to blame my daughter for my unhappiness. I am glad you are taking the right approach to getting back to yourself. This was insiring and I cant wait to read more about your process.

  2. My Curvie Birdie,

    Please know that your sharing this information will help someone else who is dealing or has dealt with the same thing. I admire your courage.

    Please remember that the only person in life that we have to satisfy is ourselves. When you are fulfilled and happy on the inside, the glow of satisfaction radiates to others. We are all blessed by your pilgrimage, your shedding of depression, and the blossoming of a new, radiant Curvie Birdie! Beautiful photos, by the way – but could we ever expect less?!

    Keep being the wonderful mother you are to Morgan and the trumpeting spirit of determination you are to each of your readers!

  3. I feel that alot of women deal with this. I thank God I have not dealt with it having many kids, but I can understand why women go thru this. Our bodies change and hormones change then we are left with a human being that we have never meet before but we have to love them and take care of them for the rest of your life. Lol can be depressing, but the love from your kids changes that. Just continue to be strong and love your kids and everything will work out for the best. What I have learned is that Trouble dont last all ways!!

  4. I applaud you for having the courage to share your story. I am not a mother but I do recognize the selflessness quality in you all. I think that quality is really freeing and dangerous at the same time. You still matter! When I first joined the BIP team I remember asking you "Why do you eat ice?” Your response was that it helps with your heart burn. I couple of months went by and your ice crunching drastically increased. I remember asking you why you would continue to deal with heartburn by eating ice. We have insurance why won’t you go to the doctor to make sure nothing else is going on inside of you. You kind of brushed it off. I then posed the following question to you. Birdie, if something wrong with Morgan would you not rush her to the nearest hospital. You replied "yes" well then why on Earth would you allow Morgan's mom to suffer. How would she fair in life if something happened to you? I then put it on my calendar to ask you every week if you went to the doctor. Eventually you went and I could not have been prouder of you. Being a mom is just a part of who you are. It’s one of the many hats you wear. Your name is still Birdie, not Morgan's mom at the end of the day. You owe it to yourself and your child to be a better you every day! One of my favorite gospel songs is Encourage Yourself. When you get a moment just listen to the words. It helps me during my trying times. I love the new look but it starts within. You can be a well dressed mess. I have been there in my own life, but when you know who you are and whose you are there is a undeniable light that shines. People will stop you out of the blue to say there is something different about you. My hope is that you find that light. I am a very good listener if you ever need someone to just listen.

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