Aug 1, 2012

Something to Chirp About: From Walmart to Fab

Hey ladies and gents.  It’s hump day, so we have almost made it!!  Well a few weeks back, I stumbled upon some cute summer dresses at Walmart.  I was like “These are cute!!  Maybe I’ll buy a couple and see how they work out.”  So I did, and I love them!!!  Who says clothes from Walmart aren’t Fabulous?

So I purchased this dress in red and white.  I have washed them both a couple times, and they are still in one piece!!  So here is how I styled the white dress!!

8-1 001

So I added so accessories, a denim jacket, and cute shoes.

8-1 005

8-1 006  8-1 004

8-1 008 

8-1 009

8-1 010  8-1 012

Super cute right?  Ok.  So lets breakdown what this outfit costs. 

Outfit Breakdown:

Walmart dress:                                                        $9.98

LB jean jacket                                                          $ old, don’t remember

Avenue Bracelets:                                                    $6.00

I-Candee African Ring:                                           $15.00

Boa Accessories Necklace:                                      $12.00

Shoes from my shoe guy:                                       $34.90

Total without shoes:                                                $42.98


I love this dress and look!  Walmart does have it going on a bit with these cute low cost summer dresses.  I love love nice clothes at great prices, and Walmart did that!!

So what do you think of this look?  Have you ever purchased clothing from Walmart?  What was your experience?


  1. I like that outfit gurl

  2. Walmart has some great finds sometimes. You have to keep an eye but they get good stuff from time to time. Loving the Africa ring!

  3. I have the same dress and I love it! I jazz it up too and no one even knows it came from walmart.
