Jun 3, 2013

Something to Chirp About: Just Fab

Hello CurvieBirdies!  Last weekend, Just Fab had a great online sale.  It was buy any item for $39.99 and get a 2nd item for $5!!!!!  Then, there was also a sale on flat sandles for $14.99.  So yall know me; I took advantage of this sale because I had a credit on my account.  Here is what I bought:

So, with the one credit that I had on file, I didn't have to pay anything!!!!  Nope!!  Got all three for free!!  So that makes 4 pairs that I ended up getting for free off one credit with from JustFab !!!  If ya'll remember, I went to a JustFab Party back in January and got a free pair of shoes.  Well I used it for a sale and something didn't fit, so I returned it.  With that return, I was able to get these 3 for free as well.  So I am very happy with the purchases!!! 
The only thing I would change is the required monthly purchase.  If you don't skip the month by the 5th, then you are still charged $39.99 and credit is added to your account.  This is one if the only shoe clubs that still do that. 
Have you tried shoe clubs yet?  If so, which?  How has your experience been?

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